Broome North Primary School offers a broad and balanced curriculum, catering for the needs of all students with respect to where each is at in their personal learning journey.
Our Kindergarten program is underpinned by the Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines and the Early Years Learning Framework. Our Kindergarten team strives to provide age-appropriate learning opportunities that take into account diverse family, cultural, linguistic and community influences.
The Pre-primary to Year 10 Western Australian Curriculum provides a coherent and comprehensive set of prescribed content and achievement standards which schools use to plan student learning programs, assess student progress and report to parents. The curriculum is developed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority who are responsible for Kindergarten to Year 12 curriculum, assessment, standards and reporting for all Western Australian schools.
In addition to meeting the requirements of the Authority, Broome North Primary School’s curriculum aligns with the WA Department of Education’s Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting policy and procedures.

Our Vision: To provide a supportive and inspiring learning environment where students are empowered to achieve their personal best and become respectful, responsible and resilient members of their community.
We use Explicit Lesson Design (Hollingsworth & Ybarra) to introduce new concepts. Daily reviews are used to move new skills from short-term (working memory) to long-term memory and reduce cognitive load. We follow our whole school scope and sequence documents for Literacy and Numeracy, focusing on The Big 6 of Literacy at all ages.
We employ effective strategies, including TAPPLE, Engagement Norms, and Effective Feedback, to ensure the seamless implementation of Explicit Direct Instruction. Our approach prioritises teacher-led learning for introducing new concepts and reviewing existing ones. Clear routines and high expectations are set, providing a structured learning environment. Additionally, our dedicated teachers deliver scaffolded and differentiated lessons tailored to meet the diverse learning needs of all students.