
The School Education Act 1999 requires children of compulsory school age to attend school (applies to all students from Pre-primary). When a child is unable to attend, legislation requires that parents/caregivers forward written notification providing a reasonable cause for the absence of their child. Please note that a telephone message beforehand is encouraged if the absence is anticipated.

The school uses an SMS messaging service which, on every school day at approximately 10am, will automatically send a text message to a parent or caregiver if a child is marked absent without explanation. Parents are expected to respond to these messages. When an explanation is not provided to the Principal within three days of the original day’s absence, the class teacher may send a letter requesting an explanation.

The Department of Education classifies any student below 90% as an attendance risk. The school will work with families who fall below this percentage on an individual case management basis. Supports may include individual attendance contracts and home liaison visits by the class teacher, Aboriginal and Islander Education Officer (AIEO) or deputy principal. See policies of school plan.

It is important to note that no child may leave the school grounds during the school day without the knowledge and permission of the school Administration. Parents or carers collecting children prior to the end of the school day are required to complete a Leave Pass obtained from the front office.

If your child is going to be absent from school, please either send an SMS with their name, class, reason and length of absence to 0437 908 183, or complete this Absence Notice.

If your child has an extended absence, such as for medical reasons, the Department of Education has provided online learning resources.