Applications for a place at Broome North Primary School can be made at any time during the year, by completing an Application for Enrolment Form. If your child has any medical needs that will require support from staff, please also complete the relevant medical form(s).
As per the Department of Education’s Enrolment Policy, a birth certificate, extract of birth certificate or passport must accompany the Application for Enrolment. The school must also sight a copy of your child’s immunisation record and proof of address at this time. You can find more information on immunisation statements by clicking here.
Kindy 2025 Applications open on Monday, 15 April 2024. Kindy enrolments must also complete this additional information form.
The Principal may ask for up to three of the following for proof of address:
- Current rates notice
- Proof of purchase of land
- Current utility bill
- Current lease agreement
Secondary proof:
- Driver’s license
- Letter from employer if housing is provided through work
- Receipt for payment for fixed term stay at temporary accommodation
- WA Statutory Declaration
Students will be placed in the year of study according to their date of birth. Parents of children with special needs are asked to contact the school to discuss these needs when the Application is made to ensure the most appropriate program is in place to meet their needs.
Consent forms for Third Party Apps used at Broome North PS as per Reports below:
Other useful information:
- 2025 Contributions and Charges
- Uniforms
- School map
- Information for Parents brochure regarding student health
- Application for School Bus Travel from Coconut Wells (Waterbank) and 12Mile (Roebuck)