As we are a school in a local intake area, we encourage students living nearby to walk or ride safely to school. If walking, we encourage students to stay together, walk with purpose, and take care when Crossing the road. If your child is riding or using a scooter, please support your child in learning about bike safety, which includes wearing a secure helmet and taking care on the roads by utilising some common tips for riding your bike safely.
We have 2 bike/scooter racks available for students to secure their bikes away during school hours. Please bring your own lock and remember to walk your wheels on school grounds.

There are 2 Kiss & Go zones at Broome North Primary School, marked by bollards and signage. One is at the front of the school near the Admin Building on Tanami Drive, and the other is at the rear of the school in the back car park on Nakamura Avenue. Please observe signage and do not park or leave your vehicle in these areas.
Our school gates are locked from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Please be aware of this if you use the car park on Nakamura Avenue in the morning. There is limited parking on Tanami Drive for school staff, Dental Clinic staff and visitors. Additional parking can be found near the Kindy and Pre-primary buildings in Marndan Block at the Povah Road entrance. Limited street parking is offered on Shingoro Avenue, Nakamura Avenue and Povah Road. For the safety of all our students, please do not park in the Kiss & Go bays or park on the kerbs on Tanami Drive and around the school. To avoid confusion, please ensure your children know how they will get home each day before they arrive at school and that you have read and understand the rules of the Kiss & Go. A video guide to kiss and drop may help kids understand how to use the kiss and drop safely.

Students arriving at school after class attendance has been marked at 8:05 am, will need to come to the office to get a welcome note to let their teacher know they have been marked as present at the office. We have an automatic unexplained absence SMS that is sent out at 10 am each day. Please advise school staff of student absences by sending an SMS to 0437 908 183, or using the Spacetalk Outreach App, through MGM Wireless.
There are currently 2 school buses that offer drop-off and pick-up services to Broome North Primary School. If your child catches any of these buses, it’s important to know how to get on and off the school bus safely. Please contact these services directly for route, timetable and fare information:
- Green Bus (Broome township) Contact:
- Orange Bus (12 Mile) Contact:
- Application for School Bus Travel from Coconut Wells (Waterbank) and 12 Mile (Roebuck)
There is a supervised, covered shelter for students to wait for their bus in the afternoon near the Nakamura Avenue pedestrian gate. Students not picked up by 2:30 pm will be sent to the office to wait, and parents will be called to pick them up from the Tanami Drive entrance.
The Pedestrian Safety activity booklet has tips on teaching children how to cross roads safely, key messages to say when out walking together and an activity for children.